Tuesday, February 14, 2012

TMI: Pubic Hair Loss after Pregnancy Q?

Bit of an embarrassing Q.

My daughter is 11 and a half weeks old. And my body is pretty much back to normal, apart from my pubic hair is basically disappearing! It's not falling out in clumps, it just seems to vanish (guessing its falling out/getting washed away in the shower or something) My partner always liked the 'natural but tidy' look, and now I look like someones tried to wax me straight down the middle.

I'm not loosing hair off of my head though, My leg hair has just stopped growing, or at least slowed down ALOT. It's been 8 days since I last shaved my legs, and not even a tiny bit of hair is back :/

What on earth is going on?! :/TMI: Pubic Hair Loss after Pregnancy Q?
Like someone else said, it is probably the change in hormones. However, I think you should probably make a call to your doctor's office and see what they say.

Do you happen to have any family history of thyroid problems (hypothyroidism/ hyperthyroidism, etc)? If you do, you might want to have your thyroid checked. Hair loss is a symptom of both. Check out the links below to see if you have anymore symptoms of either:




http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/hyper…TMI: Pubic Hair Loss after Pregnancy Q?
its probably down to hormone changes, a lot of women after they have had a baby will notice hair loss, as ur hair thickens up so much during pregnancy...but i've never heard of this before, it might be because of hormones but there are other possibilities - like someone else mentioned, hyper/hypothyroidism has hair loss as one of its symptoms. Might be worth going to see your doctor (maybe a female doctor?) and seeing if she thinks there might be something wrong.
Why didn't this happen to me? Dam if i left my legs for 8 days i'd have a mini forest!

I'm sure its just your hormones, as long as none of the hair on your head's fallen out i'm sure it's okay %26amp; make the most of it!
It could be because of the change in hormones, your body is trying to go back to normal. If you start losing hair else where, you can call your doctor.
Shoot girl your lucky :)

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