Sunday, February 12, 2012

Does anyone else have baby-induced hair loss after pregnancy?

My hair has not fallen out like I've read it might due to changing hormones, so I guess my little one is trying to help! She loves holding my hair, but she ends up yanking it out and it gets all wrapped around her little fingers! Anyone else going through that?


Even when I try to put it in a ponytail, she still gets a hold of it!Does anyone else have baby-induced hair loss after pregnancy?
Don't worry, I've through that same thing twice, everything will be alright. Just take your vitamins......well, my hair stopped falling out a month afte I stopped breastfeeding my 1st baby, and I'm still feeding my 2nd one, so my hair still fall out. There are special vitamins to make your hair stronger, you can get them at any vitamin shop. Good luck:)Does anyone else have baby-induced hair loss after pregnancy?
Im going through this a second time, my 6 month old loves to pull on my hair, whether it is a big bunch or just a couple of strands... Note- Give her a big bunch, because it hurts less and she is less likely to pull it out completely. Enjoy it, because when they are older, you wish you could go back to those days...
this is sooo normal. I have 3 kids this happened to me everytime. My son is now 6 months and its happening. It clogs the drain in the shower and is falling out when he pulls on it.... The vitamins and hormones during pregnancy make your hair thicker and healthier, the hair your losing isnt going to leave you bald or thin looking. welcome to mommy hood:)
Haha yes I went through it! Even if my hair was pulled up to the top of my head, my daughter would find a way to grab the hairs on the back of my neck that were too short to go up!

About the hair falling out-Mine didn't start until about 7 months, so you may still loose some hair. Hopefully not though!
Yep.....lost a lot of hair because of my babies wanting to hold onto it.My boys used to like brushing my hair when they got older too. Mom's hair was always a fascination with them. It is just something that us mom's have to Enjoy your lil one.
I had hair loss when i had my first baby to such an extent i saw a specialist, he said it was very common and most womens hair thickend while pregant then you lose it once you have the baby nothing to worry about.
yep i did and still do. it a security thing i don't know why but my 4month old love to hold my hair and when i get my hair out of his hands he cries so i just deal with it.
My son did that as well, but I just took his hand right out of my hair, and kept on doing that anytime his hands were in my hair, and now he is not doing that anymore.
I work in childcare and a mum I meet had this. She cut her hair short and waited for it to go back to normal. This happened to her after all 3 children. Good luck it will get better.
I keep my hair in braids or put up in a clip. Works well.
Wear a hat!

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