Sunday, February 12, 2012

Have you experienced after pregnancy hair loss?

And if so, how long did it last...and how much came out?

My hair started to come out last month, and it still hasn't stopped! I mean I don't know if it is normal shedding, or something else!Have you experienced after pregnancy hair loss?
It could be really falling out, or it could just be breaking close to the scalp. It always SEEMS like a lot when you're pulling it out of the shower drain, but unless you're noticing balding patches, it's probably normal. Post-natal hair loss normally lasts only 2-3 months as hormones readjust, but if you're breastfeeding it can take a bit longer than that. Then there's breakage issues. Hormonal fluctuations can cause hair to become brittle, and ';normal'; hormone levels can be different after having children than before you ever had children. Hormones are strange and unpredictable things.

There's also nutritional aspects to consider. If you are breastfeeding, or simply exhausted taking care of the new baby, you may not be getting the nutrition your body needs. Low vitamin B and iron levels can seriously affect your hair and nails.

Continue taking your prenatal vitamins, drink lots of water, and your hair should return to normal within 6 months.Have you experienced after pregnancy hair loss?
o yes the good old balding after baby ....ive had 2 babies and with my first i lost a lot of hair ....a lot .....but with my second i lost a ridiculous about of hair it started when my daughter was around 3 months old and it didnt stop tell she was 7 months ...shes now 14 months and i have soooo much new growth i could put a ponytail around it ...especially around my forehead ...well at least i notice it more there ....anyways ive spoken to several doctors and they all tell me the same thing take your vitamins and eat healthy ....but it still falls i even considered rogaine until i read the box and it clearly says do not take due to pregnancy hair loss.....i guess it has something to do with your hormones ......just be patent and eventually it will stop ......i really thought i was going bald my pony tail was so thin it was scary but it is all growing back now ....and she was worth it
Yes it is very common to loose hair after pregnancy and in most cases lost hairs usually regrow back.

I suggest you read this article to get some quality information related to hair loss due to pregnancy.
Its normal.

While you are pregnant you have a huge rush of different vitamins and other sources in your body that will cause your hair to grow.

I would stay on the prenatles if you were already on them.

Its unlikely that having had the baby will cause you to lose all of your hair, its alright.

So get back on the vitamins, and switch to some professional shampoo if you haven't already, and it should start thickeing up.
Everyday you normally lose hairs. During pregnancy the hormones cause this to stop (and i bet you noticed your hair seemed thicker and fuller while you were pregnant) After you deliver you start to lose those few hairs a day again and because of the hormone thing it seems like more....kinda like your body is playing catch up if that makes sense. Unless you are seeing bald spots I wouldn't worry too much. After about 6-8 weeks it should return to normal. If you are really worried talk to your doctor.
I dont think you should worry. My wife was losing her hair three months after the baby`s arrival. Hair loss varies from woman to woman, but can seem excessive.

The hair loss you are now experiencing is the natural shedding of hair that grew during your pregnancy. Don't panic. You aren't going bald.

Most women find their hair growth cycle returns to normal, with only typical shedding, within about six months or so. Talk to your doctor about it.
Yes it's normal to lose hair after you've given birth. During pregnancy your high hormone levels keep your hair/reduce hair loss - hence the full/shiny locks pregnant women have. But when your hormones start to go back to normal, you will start to shed quite a bit of hair. It won't last too long, don't worry it will stop eventually. Completely normal.
I lost a lot of hair after my second pregnancy but it seemed to taper off and go back to the regular shedding. I think it's hormonal and stress related, go figure! I want to say it lasted a few months. If it gets really bad or seems to get worse I'd check with your doctor because there could be something else going on.
Yeah everyone goes through that phase. Your hair is what you eat. If you eat correctly and drink enough water, 80 percent of your hair problems are solved. Eat a healthy and a balanced diet rich in protein and minerals. Oil your hair regularly, include a lot of milk, almonds and greens in your diet and drink at least 12 to 14 glasses of water daily. Check out for more info.
It's very normal.

Your body gets hairier during pregnancy (usually), and once you are no longer pregnant, you lose that extra hair.
I have 2 friends and they both started having thier hair fall out after they had their babies. It's normal. Their hair got so thick while they were pregnant. And after, all the extra hair fell out. :)
Vitamin deficiency.... start going back on the Prenatal Vitamins you took while you were pregnant...
Yes mine did, they told me it was from my epidural and that it would stop after about 6-8 weeks. Good Luck!
Better than having a bikini wax I'd think. You should be happy.
nope................thats weird no offense
you should go to the doctors and get that cheeked out

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