Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pregnancy and hair loss...normal?

i'm losing my hair and im 31 weeks pregnant. I've stopped dying my hair of course, I take antenatal tablets, use prof hair care products, etc. With my last pregnancy this didn't happen and im really hopeing that it grows back...

Has anyone experienced this and what can I do to help the issue.

Thanks.Pregnancy and hair loss...normal?
Some women will complain about losing their hair during and then after pregnancy, and if you start thinking that this is a sign of bad things to come, don't be afraid: this can be fairly normal for a lot of women, and about half of all women will develop the condition up to five months following the birthing process. This is because your hairs go into a resting phase in your pregnancy. The resting phase is common for all your hairs. This resting phase also results in some hair loss, not to mention spots of complete loss. But when you start going back to your normal routines, then you start getting your hair back, so you don't have to worry about never getting your hair back.

However, if you start experiencing hair loss during pregnancy, this may be due to your lack of certain vitamins or minerals. The most common time for you to lose hair is about three months after you have given birth, and this process is associated with you suddenly having your hormones return to their normal level, following their high levels during your pregnancy. The hairs in your resting phase, as well as those that were arrested in their growth, may suddenly start falling out because of your return to routine. In about half a year or a complete year, you can start getting your normal hair back.

Hair loss is often associated with changes in the levels of estrogen in your body. It can also occur because you have miscarried a child, or have given birth to a dead one. An abortion, whether spontaneous or not, can also result in hair loss. Hormonal imbalances during pregnancy, which are common in women who have hormonal imbalances to begin with, can also give rise to hair loss. Moreover, if you are trying to get pregnant and you suddenly stopped using birth control pills, then you are more likely to get hair loss. There are reproductive health issues associated with hair loss, and not all of them are associated with pregnancy.

With pregnancy comes a rise of estrogen, and estrogen actually stops you from losing your hair by keeping it in the phase in which it grows; estrogen actually stimulates hair growth. This means that during your pregnancy, your hair should grow fairly well, and you should have great hair! But once you give birth, you may need to find ways to take care of your hair. First, talk to your doctor about hair loss and how you could get the hormonal levels in your body back on track, not to mention your hair back. You also need to take care of your hair: avoid tying it in pigtails, pony tails, cornrows, braids, or anything that can stress it or pull on it excessively. You may also need to supplement your diet with more fruits and vegetables so that you can start getting more antioxidants that will help your follicles work.

There are still more ways for you to get your hair back. Start using good shampoos, such as those that contain biotin. Comb your hair with gentle strokes, and avoid using heat on your hair (such as those that you may need with hair rollers or blow dryers). You might also want to drink more Vitamin B complex medication, biotin, Vitamin E and C, and zinc, so that you can get your follicles to start working again.Pregnancy and hair loss...normal?
i was losing massive amounts of hair before i knew i was pregnant... so it sounds switched for us. ?

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