Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hair loss post pregnancy??

I have a 15 week old son and recently noticed my hair coming out in the shower, when brushing etc, which I know is normal! But recently I noticed balding patches in my hairline??? Is this normal ? Will it grow back and when? It's just in the corners of my forehead!!! Help!Hair loss post pregnancy??
I have this condition and that's what it sounds like to me.

I have hypothyroidism and hairloss is a symptom. A lot of women will come down with hypothyroidism post pregnancy because of the fluctuation in hormones.



Symptoms of hypothyroidism usually appear slowly over months or years. Symptoms and signs may include:

* Coarse and thinning hair.

* Dry skin.

* Brittle nails.

* A yellowish tint to the skin.

* Slow body movements.

* Cold skin.

* Inability to tolerate cold.

* Feeling tired, sluggish, or weak.

* Memory problems, depression, or difficulty concentrating.

* Constipation.

* Heavy or irregular menstrual periods that may last longer than 5 to 7 days.

Other, less common symptoms may include:

* An enlarged thyroid gland (goiter).

* Modest weight gain, often 10 lb or less.

* Swelling of the arms, hands, legs, and feet, and facial puffiness, particularly around the eyes.

* Hoarseness.

* Muscle aches and cramps.

May want to get checked out! :)Hair loss post pregnancy??
you should call your doctor, i have heard of hair loss but not to that magnitude. you may need an extra vitamin to help it from falling out so bad, and only your doctor can identify which one.
You should call your doctor. Also make sure you are taking a multivitamin. I don't know if you stopped taking one after you had your baby but if you did, it may have been a shock to your body after all it had been through and this is how it may be dealing with it. Talk to your doctor though. Good luck!
I hear that it is fairly common. If you are not still taking your pre natals your might want to start back up. Folic acid can encourage hair regrowth. My mother was sick several years ago and much of her hair fell out. Her doctor put her on folic acid and that helped a little.

Your hair will stop falling out eventually. I don't think anyone can tell you exactly when. But it will regrow. Sometimes when the body goes through major changes- illness, or pregnancy it happens.

It happened to me after a major illness when I was 15. I had had major food poisoning and I had lost 15 pounds in three weeks. I went down to about 90 pounds for awhile. About three months after I got better my hair started to fall out. I came out in big clumps especially in the shower. I don't know exactly how much, because it was pretty scary for a 15 year old so I never really tried to look. But friends told me that I had some bald spots. But after about 6 months, I think most of it was completely back and you could not tell that I ever had a problem.

So just hang in there. It might be bad for awhile but it will get better. You might want to buy a few hats until then. That is what I did.

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