Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hair loss after pregnancy?

I know it's normal for some people's hair to fall out a lot after pregnancy, but my baby was about 10 months old when this started. She's almost a year now, and it's still falling out a lot. Did anyone have this so far past pregnancy or should I be worrying?Hair loss after pregnancy?
I thought I was in the clear after I had my son, because I wasn't loosing any hair and figured it would happen relatively soon after his birth. Then about 8 1/2 months after he was born it started coming out like crazy! It lasted for me about 3-4 months and amazingly, I still have hair left. : ) Hang in there, but this is normal. :)Hair loss after pregnancy?
I had a lot of loss postpartum- then when one of my friends recommended an oil for growth I tried it. And it didnt stop like immediately but in a week, it was much lesser and after that I get very few strands of hair falling in a day.

She's african american- so I figured if it helped her, it would me.

Its a natural oil and it did a good job
Mine started when my daughter was about 2 months. It stoped when she was about 5 months. Now that she's almost 7 months it's still falling out a little at a time (more so then before I got pregnant). Theres a B vit. called Biotin that helps with hair and nails. My doctor told me it was very safe to take, and helps in the aid of making her hair stronger.
This happened with both my daughters and to my suprise I'm not bald yet. Some women's systems are just different from others and they react differently. Some women lose the hair right after birth and it stops at a certain age and others lose their hair later on after birth and it just continues. I think youre fine but if you are worried then I would call your doctor and ask if you are alright.

Good Luck
I lost so much hair when I had my last baby and it took about 6mths for it stop.. Its because when you are pregnant the extra hormones make you grow more hair (usually) and when you have the baby and everything settles down all that hair falls out.
The same thing is happening to me. I didn't start loosing hair until my son was 7 or 8 months. He is now 1 yr. old and it's still going on. I hate it, but hopefully it will stop soon. Good luck.
This is relating with your chromosomes. A generation problem.

Hair loss after pregnancy?

I know hair loss is normal, but this seems excessive. I lose tons of hair in the shower when I wash my hair and then tons more when I am blow drying it and brushing it. It almost fills my brush every time I brush it after a shower. My son is 2 months old (he'll be 3 months on 10/22)

Is this normal to lose this much hair?? Hair loss after pregnancy?
Hormones and stress aren't a good combination. I had ungodly thick hair before my first pregnancy, and it thinned out seriously, by my standards, after wards. I was worse than a dog or cat. However after about six or eight months it really slowed down. My hair kinda thickened back up but not like how it was before. It did the same after my second, but with my third it hasn't been that bad at all.

If it gets really, really bad though you may want to see your doctor and see what they have to say.Hair loss after pregnancy?
I lost tons of hair even into my son's 6th month, he is now 16 months old and I still look ridiculous from the massive hair loss. All of my long hair in the front fell out and is growing back in slowly so I had ';sprouts'; for hair for months and now I look like I chose this hairstyle from the 80's but really I'm just trying to let my hair grow again. I just tell people I didn't choose this hairstyle, it chose me. :(

I also take Omega 3-6-9 (2) capsules, three times a day. For my hair as well as other things.
Yeah, while you were pregnant your scalp didn't shed hair as it normally does from day to day. After the hormones in your body start to re-regulate you will lose the hair you didn't during pregnancy. It will eventually stop. If you are getting bald spots then I would worry, but if not I would say you're fine.
Hair loss is usually normal but if there is too much shedding then try this remedy. Mix 1 egg, 2.5 tablespoons milk powder and 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.

Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

Yes. And its no fun. My son is 5 months old and my hair is still falling out like crazy. I think I may go insane from it... LOL. I dont know when its supposed to stop...I am ready to chop my hair off though.. its too long...and with it falling out.. makes it even worse...
the same thing has beeen happening to me ever since i gave birth to my daughter she is almost 6 months old !!! the doc told me ';stress'; but i think its a wayyy much to be losing. he said my hormones are still going up and down.
Yes! I have been loosing hair so much since I had my son. I wish I could tell you when it stops, but so far 12 months later still falling out!

Hair loss post pregnancy!?

My son is now 16 weeks old and I have been noticing hair loss for the past couple of weeks, more excesive in the shower et. I don't have bald patches but I am noticing my hairline thinning more than the rest of my hair, or at least I think it is! Is this normal and would you notice it to some degree!??Hair loss post pregnancy!?
Unfortunately the full and luscious hair that we got so use to while pregnant, falls out when we have our little bambino. I remember at times thinking I was going to go bald. Just know that it is VERY normal.

Congratulations on your baby boy!

Hair loss post pregnancy!?
This is very normal. IF you notice, while pregnant women have a tendency to NOT lose their hair. Once you have the baby you shed the hair that didn't fall out during pregnancy.

Yes it's totally normal. Same thing happened to me. My daughter is 6 months old and I am still losing hair... It has been happening to a friend of mine too!
i hope its normal, lol... i lost alot of hair as well after my babies...lol, dont worry , your not going bald..
no. that has nothing to do with pregnency
  • chin blackheads
  • Hair loss after pregnancy ?

    hi i am 2 months pregnant at the moment and im really scared about loosing hair after the pregnancy as i read that this is very common.. does it fall out for long? does it show much?

    thank you for any help xHair loss after pregnancy ?
    I have 2 kids and I lost tons of hair after both for a while. I thought I was going to go bald LOL My daughter is 13 months old and I am still losing a little, but I just got finished breast feeding too. That might have something to do with it because of crazy hormones. I promise you though it will stop and all grow back! I have a bunch of new hairs filling in my hair line now. Thank god! :) Congrats and good luck!Hair loss after pregnancy ?
    actually when you are pregnant your body retains most of the hair that you would have lost. in a normal day a person loses 80-130 strands of hair but while you are pregnant you will lose a lot less than that so after you have the baby your body will start shedding the hair that it has held on to during pregnancy. so it will seem like ';all'; of your hair is falling out it really will only be shedding what you would have lost anyway.
    My hair started falling out 4 months after my daughter was born.

    I found it was falling out for about 4 months, noone could notice other than me. just to put the brush through my hair, my brush would then be full of hair.

    Im now pregnant with baby #2 12 weeks 1 day and its already falling out again, still noone can notice it but its now even coming out alot when i wash my hair too.

    My hair has started thinning but im not going bald or anything like that..

    If your really worried speak to your doctor about it ans see what they say

    Hope this is some help for you
    most people's hair loss isnt that severe. I think i lost some around the front for a while, lasted about 6 months then it went back to normal. Wasnt noticeable to anyone else but me really, but then i have thick afro hair, so any hair loss wouldnt be as noticeable i guess
    I don't think you actually loose hair it's just that it doesn't come out when you are pregnant and then once you have given birth it just catches up and you loose all you didn't loose for 9 mths. As if you haven't done enough. lol. Just enjoy having gorgeous hair while you are pg. Congrats
    i lost some hair afterwards but no-one noticed except for me and my hairdresser! It's usually easy to hide, although I did have some fluffy 'baby' hair at the front of my hairline for a while afterwards!
    My hair started to fall out when my baby was 3 months old, quite a bit did fall out around the forehead. He is 6 months now and its started to calm down and grow back wooohooo! :)

    You wont go bald!! The hair that falls out is all the hair that would have fallen out normally if you werent pregnant! Don't worry :)
    i still have a full head or hair...not like balding or anything, but my hair is thin compared to before i had my child.
    Talk about vain! Are you sure you should have kids! You have to spend time looking after them, not looking at yourself in the mirror!

    Hair loss post pregnancy??

    I have a 15 week old son and recently noticed my hair coming out in the shower, when brushing etc, which I know is normal! But recently I noticed balding patches in my hairline??? Is this normal ? Will it grow back and when? It's just in the corners of my forehead!!! Help!Hair loss post pregnancy??
    I have this condition and that's what it sounds like to me.

    I have hypothyroidism and hairloss is a symptom. A lot of women will come down with hypothyroidism post pregnancy because of the fluctuation in hormones.



    Symptoms of hypothyroidism usually appear slowly over months or years. Symptoms and signs may include:

    * Coarse and thinning hair.

    * Dry skin.

    * Brittle nails.

    * A yellowish tint to the skin.

    * Slow body movements.

    * Cold skin.

    * Inability to tolerate cold.

    * Feeling tired, sluggish, or weak.

    * Memory problems, depression, or difficulty concentrating.

    * Constipation.

    * Heavy or irregular menstrual periods that may last longer than 5 to 7 days.

    Other, less common symptoms may include:

    * An enlarged thyroid gland (goiter).

    * Modest weight gain, often 10 lb or less.

    * Swelling of the arms, hands, legs, and feet, and facial puffiness, particularly around the eyes.

    * Hoarseness.

    * Muscle aches and cramps.

    May want to get checked out! :)Hair loss post pregnancy??
    you should call your doctor, i have heard of hair loss but not to that magnitude. you may need an extra vitamin to help it from falling out so bad, and only your doctor can identify which one.
    You should call your doctor. Also make sure you are taking a multivitamin. I don't know if you stopped taking one after you had your baby but if you did, it may have been a shock to your body after all it had been through and this is how it may be dealing with it. Talk to your doctor though. Good luck!
    I hear that it is fairly common. If you are not still taking your pre natals your might want to start back up. Folic acid can encourage hair regrowth. My mother was sick several years ago and much of her hair fell out. Her doctor put her on folic acid and that helped a little.

    Your hair will stop falling out eventually. I don't think anyone can tell you exactly when. But it will regrow. Sometimes when the body goes through major changes- illness, or pregnancy it happens.

    It happened to me after a major illness when I was 15. I had had major food poisoning and I had lost 15 pounds in three weeks. I went down to about 90 pounds for awhile. About three months after I got better my hair started to fall out. I came out in big clumps especially in the shower. I don't know exactly how much, because it was pretty scary for a 15 year old so I never really tried to look. But friends told me that I had some bald spots. But after about 6 months, I think most of it was completely back and you could not tell that I ever had a problem.

    So just hang in there. It might be bad for awhile but it will get better. You might want to buy a few hats until then. That is what I did.

    Hair loss during pregnancy?

    Has anyone else had this problem It seems like every day my hair falls out more and more!Hair loss during pregnancy?
    yup. it happened to my wife. when you are carrying, you have a lack of protein in your body because it all goes to the fetus. hair is made of protein, therefore it falls out. you will get your hair back after you give birthHair loss during pregnancy?
    Maybe a little but my main problem is dandruff which I've never had before I was pregnant!
    Normal. My sister did. the doctor told her it was stress and hormones changing.
    NOT good go to a doctor now
    ill have to say protien and nutrients are going to the baby not your hair. btw is this your first pregnancy?
    This is very common. I would let the Dr. know on your next visit, but I would not stress over it.
    its most likely stress. You could go to the doctors to make sure. when you have your baby, you could get a hair growing medicine. ask your doc
    Hair loss during pregnancy is very common. The hormones in your body are going crazy. Also diet issue may be in play as well. Check out this site for some more information.


    There are many other reasons you can lose your hair. Some of the causes of baldness may represent serious health problems. That's why it's important to talk about hair loss with a physician.

    Childbirth, severe malnutrition, chemotherapy, thyroid problems and a form of lupus can also cause hair loss. Something as simple as pigtails or cornrows, if worn too long, can cause hair loss, because of the stress they cause to the hair shaft. The medical opinion concerning the role of emotional stress in balding is mixed. If stress does play a role, however, it's only at times of extreme emotional trauma.
    Whenever I go through times of added stress my hair falls out more than the normal person should.
    could be stress
    Unfortunately this is normal for some women
    I had the same problem. My poor husband didn't want to step out of the shower because of all the hair that he knew was on the floor all the time.

    It is just the hormone changes. It actually falls out a lot when you are breastfeeding too. It will stop when your hormones go back to normal and your hair will grow back in.
    You lose more hair during pregnancy because your hair is growing more quickly...It just seems like a lot..its perfectly fine...However, if you want stronger hair and nails during your pregnancy(even stronger than you would regularly produce) then there are a few ';herbal remedies';...The leaves and seeds of the Borage plant contains essential fatty acids needed for healthy skin, hair and nails..Lavender(flowers) are good for the skin and hair when used as a rinse...you can find any number of herbal remedies available online..just be sure to check for warnings...one must be very careful during pregnancy to safeguard both their own health and the health of their baby...
    It can happen during pregnancy.To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo. Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

    Hair loss and pregnancy ?

    Is this one of the symptoms of being like 4 months pregnant, like excessive hair loss, a lot of hair falling out? Hair loss and pregnancy ?
    I lost a lot of hair during my pregnancy. I mean ALOT. It never came back either. Its different for everyone, but its definitely not abnormal, are you having a girl? it tends to happen more with girls.... but yeah its normal and it sucks =(Hair loss and pregnancy ?
    No. When you're pregnant, your hair usually gets thicker because your hormones cause it to fall out less. You should talk to your doctor about that.
    not at all

    when your pregnant you should barely lose hair at all

    less than a normal person couse your becoming stronger for your child

    i think this is a problem

    see your doc ASAP!
    it could just be stress
    no see your docter
    my moms hair feel out after she was pregnate ask doc

    Hair loss and pregnancy?

    I've read that when you are pregnant you don't ';shed'; your hair like you do normally. Does anyone know when this starts?Hair loss and pregnancy?
    Hiya, yeah while you are pregnant your hair growth cycle slows down so it get thicker and falls out less. Mine did that but 3 months after i gave birth to my daughter it started to fall out and i had 2 bald patches at the side of my head so it looked like a widows peak!. but after about 2 months it started growing back and less hair comes out. Now my hairs thick again.

    So don't worry its just a normal thing that happens.

    Good luck xHair loss and pregnancy?
    when you start taking your Prenatal Vitamins your Hair and nails will get thicker and grow faster.Everyone looses hair like when you brush it or wash it.Just Because you are pregnant that does not meen your hair will stop growing and falling out.
    when i was around 15 wks ive noticed my hair gotten thinner so I went to the dermatologist and he took a strand of my hair n looked under a microscope and found nothing wrong. I think its the prenatal vitamins that makes it fall off. Drink a lot of milk.
    I'm not sure, because I wasn't really paying attention in the beginning, but I do notice a difference now, that I don't lose as much hair when I condition it in the shower. (not that I lost a lot at a time before ;)) I can't feel a change or actually see a visual change though, so I wouldn't worry about it.
    I think the pre-natals make your hair grow faster, but I still shed. Where did you read this?

    Hair loss after pregnancy?

    hi, my daughter is 5 months old when she turned 4 months i noticed more hair on the hair brush in the mornings and i the shower,now its gone really thin?! i used to have such thick hair down past my waste,now i've had to cut it below my shoulder,has this happend any other mom's? is it normal??Hair loss after pregnancy?
    When it comes to pregnancy, it is common to notice your body going through an incredible amount of changes. While a lot of the changes are expected, not many women are prepared for hair loss after pregnancy. Many are aware that the hair may do some funny things during pregnancy but were unaware that the main amount of hair loss will generally happen after pregnancy.

    In fact, it is about three months after giving birth that most of the hair loss takes place. This is because there is an increase in hormones during pregnancy, which help to make sure that women do not lose a lot of hair during those nine months. About three months after a woman delivers her hormones will start to go back to normal.

    As the hormone levels go back to normal, there will be some hair that will fall out. There is nothing to really panic over as this is a natural thing. The hair thins a little with the hormone changes and then the normal cycle for your hair will be back on track. You may find though that it could take anywhere from six to twelve months in order to get your hair completely back to normal. Like mentioned before, this is completely natural and it happens to many women after pregnancy. Consider maybe just the price one pays for having that luxurious head of healthy hair that comes while pregnant.

    What you can do

    If you are really concerned about an extreme amount of hair loss there are some things that can be done. You can talk with your doctor to make sure that your level of hormones is where they are supposed to be. Also try to avoid pigtails, braids, or tight hair rollers. Anything that pulls on your hair and gives it stress should be avoided. You should also make sure that your diet is high in vegetables and fruits. This is because these food items contain antioxidants and flavonoids that help protect hair follicles. Make sure that the shampoo and conditioner you are using contains silica and biotin.

    When using a blow dryer make sure that you are using the lowest setting, as wet hair is very fragile and can be easily damaged. Also make sure that you are not brushing through wet hair with a fine toothcomb as you could be setting yourself up for a lot of hair loss later down the road. Take vitamin supplements if you feel as though you are not getting enough nutrients and vitamins in your diet already. Make sure that you are taking all of the precautions that you can and you will be a lot better off.

    Just make sure that you keep in mind that it is probably going to be impossible to completely stop any hair loss after pregnancy from happening. The best you can do is to try to protect your hair and make it as strong as possible in order to lessen the amount you lose. And remember, if everything fails you, it is only a matter of a few months before you have the head of hair that you are used to and you stop noticing the loss of hair after pregnancy.Hair loss after pregnancy?
    sometimes just beacuse of the increaseed stress levels,,,dont worry

    i would be grateful if could answer mines too..thnx

  • chin blackheads
  • Hair loss during pregnancy?

    I've always had a hair shedding problem. I shed hair like a cat. I have really thick hair and It seems that i have enough hair on my head for 3 people.........But since ive become pregnant, the shedding has gotten worse. I think my hair is starting to thin out. I didnt have this problem with my first pregnancy. I am only about 1 month pregnant. Is this hair loss something I should worry about?Hair loss during pregnancy?
    totally normal, it won't be as bad if you are taking your prenatal vitamins. it will get back to normal a while after prego. I understand and have been there. I am working on my 3rd, and it is happening again! aagghhh.Hair loss during pregnancy?
    I'm in the same boat my hair is extremely thick and now that I have become pregnant I can't seem to stop loosing it. It is very normal take it as some thing good havent you always wished your hair would thin out a little bit?!? :)
    No it's totally normal, I had it with both of my pregnancies!

    Hair loss after pregnancy?

    I had my son nearly 4 months ago, and now my hair is drastically falling out! I know that you get a great head of hair during pregnancy, and then lose it after, but is it supposed to be this scary?!

    When I shower I get a good old clump come out on my hands, and when I dry/brush my hair, I get even more!Hair loss after pregnancy?
    Don't worry - it's normal. As you hardly lose any hair when you're pregnant, that extra mop has to go eventually. Unfortunately, nature is cruel and it often comes out in a couple of areas in particular rather than from the whole head. I found it came away around my fringe and at the front side of the head, which my hairdresser assured me was very normal. It's just because it's coming out at once that it seems so much.

    Rest assured you won't end up bald. You may have a few areas with lighter volume of hair, but you won't notice these as it tends to be from the underneath layers of hair, and it soon grows back.Hair loss after pregnancy?
    UNFORTUNATELY Its natural, I'm waiting for it to happen again, now I have had my 2nd child, I'm seeing little strands falling away. *gulp*

    With my first post-pregnancy hair dramas, It took me 3 years to get my hair back to full thickness (including my eyelashes and brows - I couldn't wear mascara for so long!) and grow out the baby ';punk'; hair on the annoying cow-lick I already have to deal with.

    There really isn't much you can do about it, I read that if you spend some time everyday brushing it out (no need to be too obsessive about it though) then the sooner the hair can start re-growing. Vitamins and the lot won't really do much for you either.

    Good luck everyone!! :D
    Stress/Anxiety: Life-changing events, such as divorce or death, childbirth as well as career and financial difficulties can take their toll on hair growth. Fortunately, the condition is temporary and will dissipate as the cause does.

    Diet/Exercise: A bad diet, lack of exercise, and lack of hydration can cause hair loss to accelerate beyond the normal (normal being 100 or so strands a day). Again, this can be reversed with a better lifestyle
    I thought that I was going bald after my first son was born... I'm not looking forward to it again now that my 2nd is born.... I lost a lot too! and then when it grew back in it was like a fuzzy halo all around my head when it was about 1.5 inches long... I couldn't get it to lay flat at all....
    You should increase your protein intake and that will help with you hair loss. It is scary but give it time and you will find that there will be increased growth after a time. Don't stress that will only increase the anxiety.
    If you use a blow dryer to dry your hair you might want to stop that. Also don't brush your hair whilst it's still wet.

    If you are really worried, contact your doctor and as her/him about it

    Hair loss after pregnancy?

    I had my son in May, and i have noticed that when i wash my hair i get a handful of hair. Then if i comb it, i lose more. What is out there that i could use to slow the hair loss? My hair is thinning and it used to be thick. Some people has said to use hair food(african americans use this), but is it ok on my hair since i am not african american? Or what can i use?Hair loss after pregnancy?
    When you are pregnant your hair grows differently... usually you lose a little everyday... and while some of your hair is growing... some is dormant. During pregnancy due to hormones, you don't lose hardly any hair and it all grows at once, resulting in thicker seemingly faster growing hair. Once you give birth and your hormones go back to normal (although breastfeeding can delay this) you will start to lose all that excess hair at once... the same goes for any unwanted body or facial hair that appeared during your pregnancy. So your not really losing hair in the sense that it is going to get any thinner than it was before you were pregnant... it just feels that way because you got used to the thicker hair gradually and now your losing it rapidly.Hair loss after pregnancy?
    eventually you'll get ur hair back. It may not be thicker as before but there's really nothing you can do to stop hair loss. U can ask a dermatologist though
    during pregnancy your hair pretty much gets really thick so after it goes back to the way it was which results in hair loss
    I was the same. My daughter is now 15months and my hair is growing back. i have lots of short little 'baby' hairs growing back. If you are breast feeding and keep breast feeding you will find your hair keeps falling out, you wont go bald though! its just that your body is using nutients for other things and see's your hair as last on the list of important things. although its not to us!!!

    hang in there - its only hair!!
    all your hormones are going crazy now. you're withdrawing from the pregnancy hormones and it happens to most women. don't worry. it'll grow back.
    Hi I had the same thing after my daughter was born. It turned out that I had a severe case of hypothyroidism. Have your tyroid checked
    You can try taking zinc. Which can slow down the hair loss or use a product called Nioxon.

    Hair loss after pregnancy is very normal. I should start growing back as thick as ever. Just give it time. It happened to my first pregnancy and again after my second. Only the second one was twins and I lost more hair than the first time.... I wore a wig for awhile!
    I am sure it has something to do with hormone changes. I lost a ton of my hair after the births of all three of my sons. I use Mane n Tail shampoo and conditioner. It helps my hair out a lot.
    I think you can use hair food without any side effects, hair loss is normal after pregnancy because your hormones don't allow you to loose much hair when you are pregnant. Eat good and avoid stress..easier said than done... but God Bless.
    My hair fell out after every pregnancy its quite common, it isnt as thick as it was but does eventually stop.

    A hairdresser once told me that you loose hair at the start of every new season also. Another sign of hair falling out is you could be low in iron.

    Good Luck

    Hair loss during pregnancy?

    I am currently 21 weeks pregnant. Everything I read is telling me that the pregnancy hormones stop me from shedding hair like I normally do. I have noticed excess hair on my body, but I feel like I am shedding more hair from my head than usual. I have to clean my brush out a few times a week. I am not concerned about my hormone levels or anything with my pregnancy--everything is going fine and the baby and I are both healthy. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced this, contrary to what you might read?Hair loss during pregnancy?
    I really hope that you don't lose hair the way I am right now! I started to shed what I thought was a significant amount of hair at about 4 month pregnant. My son is now 5 months old and I should really be bald right now! I have to vacuum everyday and there are clumps of hair on my pillow in the morning and handfuls come out in the shower! My doctor assures me that's it's normal but it's really annoying.

    Don't worry you're not alone *sigh*Hair loss during pregnancy?
    Have you had your iron levels checked yet?

    low iron levels can cause brittle hair and hair to fall out.

    Hair loss during pregnancy?

    My hair is thin and it of shows bald parts which i think is embarrasing...How can I prevent that?Hair loss during pregnancy?
    Cut your hair during pregnancy.Hair loss during pregnancy?
    I have never heard of hair loss during pregnancy. I hardly lost any....but after baby was born....look out. I lost a ton......after 6 months it's finally getting better. Just take your vitamins.....you may want to talk to your Dr if it get worse.
    Are you taking your pre-natul vitamins. that should prevent it.
    Keep taking your prenatal vitamins and if you are not on any. GET ON SOME ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!
    my wife just had our fourth baby and she said that her hair is thinning out too! I am hoping that somebody answers you saying it will grow back.

    the person that suggested an abortion deserves an open handed slap in the mouth.
    check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:-- Hairloss/Hairfall


    Vitamins for Hair Loss

    im not sure
    Hmmm. Didn't have this during pregnancey but immediately after. It's probably a hormone thing. Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins as directed, and ask your ob/gyn and hairstylist both about it. You will get two different expert opinions that way and possibly more than one recommendation for course of treatment.

    I definitely would NOT do anything like coloring, bleaching, perming hair if it is this fragile as that would exascerbate the problem.
    It could be a sign of a vitamin deficiency. Are you taking your prenatal vitamins? Some hair loss is normal during pregnancy. If it is a serious problem, you should talk to your doctor.
    I am not a hundred percent on it but to my knowledge hair loos during pregnancy isn't normal. Your hair is supposed to grow quicker when you are pregnant due to the increase in hormones.

    You should also like someone else said be taking your prenatal vitamins. But I would also mention this to your doctor to make sure. Good luck with the up and coming Lil one. ;-)
    Wear a hat. Hair-loss during pregnancy is normal.
    Hair loss during pregnacy does occur, but be sure to mention it to your O.B. give them a call.
    I never had this problem but a few friends had. They said not much seemed to help except taking some very good prego vitamins and maybe ask your nearest health food store about your problem. If nothing works than hopefully theres light in knowing that my friends hair grew back soon after the child was born. Good luck! (AND ABORTION???? WHAT EVER WOULD HAVE MADE YOU ANSWER SUCH A THING? HOW RUDE! JUST TO GET POINTS I GUESS.)
    take your vitamins.

    make sure you don't dye your hair..

    and if it really bothers you, you could always try getting hair extensions; a wig; or even a weave until you have the baby.

    if your looking for something cheaper a hat will always work!

    good luck %26lt;3
    Massage aloe Vera gel over the scalp,leave it for about one hour.After this rinse the hair with warm water.It gives excellent results for hair loss if one uses this massage at least 3-4 times a week. Check out

    http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

    Hair loss after pregnancy?

    hi, do you always get hair loss after pregnancy? im breastfeeding my 3 month old at the moment and have not noticed any hair loss yet but i keep reading that it falls out.Hair loss after pregnancy?
    Hey there bunny ,

    Yeah it's normal , my wife lost hair after pregnancy too.

    She used Provillus ( http://budurl.com/ProvillusTreatment ) -

    but i don't think it's needed.Hair loss after pregnancy?
    anyway hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! Find out the actual cause of hair loss! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few.

    year ago I suffered from hair loss too and I started trying everything you can imagine to stop my hair loss.

    the things that really worked for me was:

    1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

    2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

    3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

    4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

    5) also I used herbal treatment - TrichoZed

    It is a good product that helps prevent hair loss and it is an FDA approved product. I think it is very important!

    It worked and still works for me!

    I do not know if any pharmacies carry TrichoZed but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here http://www.trichozed.info

    It enhances hair growth by blocking DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) - a major cause of hair loss!

    good luck!

    not only my and my husband`s own personal experience
    yeah it is normal, do not worry, your hair does not fall out so much during pregnancy, once you had the baby and your hormones change you lose the hair you would have normally lost during your pregnancy.

    The other reason for hair loss after pregnancy can be low iron levels so get that checked, but i am sure you will be fine. enjoy your baby they grow up really quickly.
    yes its normal for your hair to fall out during the 6 month period after your pregnancy has occured, this is ue to the amoutnt of oestrogen hormones being produced and the inbalance in your natural system, stress is also a factor and many home remodies can be effectiv such as relaxation techniques and many of the shelf products can be used, its its a serious concern contact the gp for prescribe medication,also alipisha isa possibility which is stress related and i sufferd from for years in my childhood

    hope i helped

    Yes, It's true. If you do happen to start losing your hair, you should really consider taking your prenatal vitamins. I know it sounds weird, but all those vitamins will help with hair loss, and they will also help clear acne, and make your nails stronger too.
    Hiya hun!! Yeah, I know what you mean!!! I breastfed my Daughter for 13 months, demand fed and whilst I had long straight hair, it fell out in handfulls!! It grew back though twice as thick and with a natural wave in it, so I guess I benefitted!!! It's all to do with the hormonal balance settling back down after having a baby, the pregancy lark is so complex, that we really have no idea of the changes going on within us!!! Just enjoy the moment, and don't freak out!! You ain't gonna go bald, and if you do lose hair, who knows what you'll end up wiv!!!! hope I've reassured you hun!!!xxx
    It doesn't happen to everyone but it isn't usually in such huge amounts that it notices anyway and it will get back to normal after a while.
    It happens to only some people. As a precaution use this shampoo to prevent hair loss.

    get it here

    it does normally fallout but stops around six months when your hormones are back to normal
  • chin blackheads
  • Hair loss after pregnancy?

    I had my son in May, and i have noticed that when i wash my hair i get a handful of hair. Then if i comb it, i lose more. What is out there that i could use to slow the hair loss? My hair is thinning and it used to be thick. Some people has said to use hair food(african americans use this), but is it ok on my hair since i am not african american? Or what can i use?Hair loss after pregnancy?
    had my baby three months ago, and now my hair is starting to fall out. Is this normal?

    Many new moms are surprised to find themselves shedding more hair than usual in the first few months after giving birth, but it's perfectly normal. And there's no need to panic: You won't go bald. In fact, your hair should be back to normal by your baby's first birthday.

    Here's what's going on. Normally, about 85 to 95 percent of the hair on your head is growing and the other 5 to 15 percent is in a resting stage. After the resting period, this hair falls out often while you're brushing or shampooing it and is replaced by new growth. An average woman sheds about 100 hairs a day.

    During pregnancy, increased levels of estrogen prolong the growing stage. There are fewer hairs in the resting stage and fewer falling out each day, so you have thicker, more luxuriant tresses.

    After you give birth, your estrogen levels take a tumble and a lot more hair follicles enter the resting stage. Soon you'll have more hair coming out in the shower or on the brush. This unusual shedding will taper off and your hair will be back to its pre-pregnancy thickness about six to 12 months after you give birth.

    By the way, not all women notice dramatic changes in their hair during pregnancy or the postpartum period. Among those who do, it tends to be more obvious among women with longer hair.

    What can I do about it?

    You won't be able to stop the hair from falling out, but you can experiment with different hairstyles or products (such as hair thickeners or mousse) to give your hair a fuller look during this transition period.

    Many moms, tired of scooping hair out of shower drains or sweeping strands off the bathroom floor, find that now is a good time to go for a short cut. Plus, a short, wash-and-go hairstyle can be easier to take care of when you have a new baby in the house and you're strapped for time.

    A note to new moms with long hair: Strands of hair can end up tightly wrapped around your baby's tiny appendages, including his fingers, toes, wrists, ankles, and penis. This is called a hair tourniquet, and it can be quite painful for your little one. If you find him crying for no apparent reason, check carefully for tight bands of hair.


    and many more sites dealing with this symptom:


    Do you come across hair loss during pregnancy ?

    I am planning for a baby ...i have thining hair...so wondering whether i will loose hair again during pregnancy..Do you come across hair loss during pregnancy ?
    oh yea,but i lose it for some reason once the babies bornDo you come across hair loss during pregnancy ?
    i have a 4 month old and i am loosing hair now
    No sweetie ur hair gets thicker!
    The way I understand it, is that most people have thickening of hair, they hair really stops falling out until the baby is born. But you know your hormones, and they can do CRAZY things, so some people could be perfectly normal to lose hair. But most lose hair after the baby is born (you're not really losing hair, you're just losing what you would have normally lost in the 40 weeks you were pregnant...) It'll usually return to ';pre-pregnancy'; look after your done nursing.

    Also, some people have increased volume, others find thier hair limper than ever... Again our wacky hormones during this time make hair, nails, skin, mood, diet, and just about everything else in our body all out of wack...

    Congratulations on your pregnancy... Hang in there, and just enjoy this pregnancy stage in your life!!!
    I know your hair changes a lot. I am pregnant with my second and found my hair to be thinning a lot as well. I wouldn't say it is normal. You should probably still ask your doctor.
    Having a baby takes away from minerals and vitamins from your own body, so your teeth and hair may become fragile
    Women will lose hair during pregnancy. Something with hormones.
    It will thicken because of the prenatal vitamins. It will thin after you stop taking the vitamins
    I havent so far but my sister did with all 3 of her kids! Good luck! Try eating healthier and make sure you take your vitimans.

    White Hairs Loss of Pigment During Pregnancy?

    Never had a white hair before! I'm pregnant, my hair is dark. I have several white hairs around 10+ that have appeared the length of what I've grown in the 5 1/2 M pregnant. Some show a dark end and the new growth is white now not even grey. How normal is this during pregnancy? And should I expect my hair to return to normal after pregnacy (i.e. no more growth of white hairs after pregancy)?White Hairs Loss of Pigment During Pregnancy?
    I've had a couple of white hairs since I was about 17 or 18 (pregnant at 17.) I don't know if my pregnancy had anything to do with it or if it was just genetics. My dad had been full gray since his late 20's and his mother was full white since her 20's.

    But I have heard of hair changes during pregnancy. I mostly hear of hair getting darker and thicker. But I've read stories of women's hair getting lighter. I don't think it's very common though. I still have my 2 white hairs by the way. They are stronger than my other hair, I can never yank them out, I have to cut them.

    I have had pregnancy sign in the pass, hair and nail growth like crazy, very lite period,heartburn,loss weight

    i had it all etc....i thought i was pregnant but i guess not i would be bout 6 goin on 7 mnth. would have been my1st child, my hormones where not off balance i got that checked, but i do feel like smethng is goin on in my belly. i feel like i have gas all the time like gas bubbles poppin or smething thumpin r tappin me, r like i have butterflies in my lower abdomen it don't hurt i just laugh if off.sometime i feel a lump on my lower right abdomen and sometime i feel like it moves then it stop, but i just take it as gas. i'm also tired of goin to the rest room alot late at night and i don't hv a kidney r bladder infection i been checked my friend still think i am pregnant but the baby is hiding yeah right, i read it was possible but rare, that would be funny to all of sudden go into labor and hv a baby... lol but is there anybody out there that may hv a answer what could it be....no bs please just respectful answers thanks confused not stressed...I have had pregnancy sign in the pass, hair and nail growth like crazy, very lite period,heartburn,loss weight
    Here's a thought- see a Doctor already. a 6 month old fetus can't 'hide' from the doctor, no matter how they try.If you are pregnant, you are in dire need of prenatal care.

    BTW, weight loss isn't a pregnancy symptom, especially not months out into it.

    Hair loss, dry skin and weight gain after pregnancy?

    Anyone else experienced this? I recently stopped breast feeding and GP believes this is the contributor of weight gain but to be honest how can you pile on 14 lbs in 5 weeks with no change of diet? This also doesnt explain the bald patches either side of my head lol! I did lose my hair and gained a massive 28 lbs after my first born (it took 2 years to get back to normal) and I really dont want to go down that route again. Bloods have been taken and their testing for underactive thyroid, is this a possibility? or is this part and parcel of pregnancy?

    Nature is cruel isnt it, I think its making sure im soooooo unattractive that no one will impregnate again me for quite a while lol ;)Hair loss, dry skin and weight gain after pregnancy?
    Honey, I'm so sorry, bet you're feeling pants right now. Hair loss I'm not so sure about, but weight gain does make sense. Can someone tell me why you only hear of all of these problems AFTER you get pregnant, I knew nothing of these things prior to having my little girl!Hair loss, dry skin and weight gain after pregnancy?
    Yes - I experienced this after my wife became pregnant.
    Well if I were you I would get a 2nd opinion hun!! I don't think 14lbs in 5 weeks and hair loss in that amount is in anyway normal!!
    I'm still losing clumps a day 5 months later. I think it's normal. My hairdresser said my hair was so thick during and immediately after pregnancy that it was like another person's head! She said she couldn't even really cut it because it was so dense.
    Yes, you burn a lot while breastfeeding and I'd imagine I'd be really scared when the weaning time comes (I'm still breastfeeding now and I've lost more than what I gained during pregnancy).

    I'm having hair loss right now. But I thought it was because my hair was so thick during pregnancy and three months postpartum, I didn't know you could have a bald patch from that. Now you scare me.

    But it's all part of postpartum things.

    In addition to that, I also have a really low blood pressure. This one I'm not sure why.

    This is all normal, you can burn up to 600 or more calories a day breastfeeding. The hair loss and dry skin is due to hormones. Drink pleanty of water and hopefully it will help.
    im male
    Been on minoxidil for about a year and a half and have not seen even the smallest amount of regrowth.

    My hair only started visibly growing after doubtfully trying out the natural techniques to re-grow lost hair @ http://www.regrowmyhair.info

    I would sincerely %26amp; highly recommend this easy to follow step-by-step guide with pictures to anyone who is suffering from hair loss right now.

    Anyway, its also a cheaper and effective way of regrow-ing lost hair compared to those unnatural ways which may involve harsh chemicals that may have side effects.

    Good Luck !
    All the goodness has gone from your body with birth and breastfeeding.

    You need to supplement your diet now with multivitamins

    Belive me you will get back to normal.
    Eucerin lotion for the skin. Ooohh, don't know about hair loss.That sux. Might be thyroid and pregnancy. good luck.
    THis all might be happening due to the hormones...I had pretty dry skin and my hair loss was horrible...I had to cut my hair due to the loss
    hormones suck.

    Question about hair growth and loss during pregnancy?

    Okay so I know doctors say you'll find more hair on your hairbrush or in the bathtub drain but is it normal to lsoe pubic hair? Every time I go to the bathroom there is a ton in my underwear. Is this normal or should I mention it to my OB on Thursday?

    Also, I've noticed hair growth on my boobs and stomach. On my boobs it's just fine hairs that, if I didn't have dark brown hair, may not be noticeable...but they are long suckers. lol. On my stomach it's VERY coarse, very long black hairs. Is this just another weird hormonal symptom of pregnancy? Or do I need to find a good waxer after birtth? lolQuestion about hair growth and loss during pregnancy?
    Some women get the line other get hair. I also had the weird dark coarse hair appear on my stomach. It didn't go away after birth unfortunately and I frequent a very wonderful lady who specializes in the removal of things from places they don't belong :) As for the loss of pubic hair, I wouldn't worry about it too much, by the time you are due that area will not be something you have seen in awhile let alone get very near.Question about hair growth and loss during pregnancy?
    sounds like hormones, it will pass
    its a sign of strength
  • chin blackheads
  • Nuasiation, hair loss, chills, and stomach pains... pregnancy?????

    hello, i am having some stomach pains like cramps and my nose is sensative to all types of smells causing me to gag or throw up. i am also missing a small patch of hair at the top of my head (Im still cute though) lol.I also get nautious when i have chills which is like every min.. are these signs of pregnancy?Nuasiation, hair loss, chills, and stomach pains... pregnancy?????
    Honestly, it sounds more like the flu to me. I've never heard of hair loss as a sign of pregnancy so early on. You don't say if you are late for AF or when it was due- but the best advice would be take a test if you have already passed your due date.Nuasiation, hair loss, chills, and stomach pains... pregnancy?????
    your symptoms sound like pregnancy...except for the hair loss. That threw me. Iv never ever heard of hair loss in pregnancy. I would get myself checked out at the gp.
    um could be ... go to a dr
    Been on minoxidil for about a year and a half and have not seen even the smallest amount of regrowth.

    My hair only started visibly growing after doubtfully trying out the natural techniques to re-grow lost hair @ http://www.regrowmyhair.info

    I would sincerely %26amp; highly recommend this easy to follow step-by-step guide with pictures to anyone who is suffering from hair loss right now.

    Anyway, its also a cheaper and effective way of regrow-ing lost hair compared to those unnatural ways which may involve harsh chemicals that may have side effects.

    Good Luck !

    Hair loss 6 months after pregnancy......?

    Hey guys I am aware about 6 months after pregnancy it is pretty normal to lose some hair. What vitamins would you recommend to take as I feel like I am shedding loads? CheersHair loss 6 months after pregnancy......?
    hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! Find out the actual cause of hair loss! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few. but anyway you can always try and get real results.

    year ago my wife suffered from hair loss too and she started trying everything you can imagine to stop her hair loss. the things that really worked for her was:

    1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

    2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

    3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

    4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

    5) also used herbal treatment.in that case Provillus is a good product that helps prevent hair loss and it is an FDA approved product. I think it is very important!

    It worked and still works for her!

    I do not know if any pharmacies carry Provillus but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here http://www.provillus.com/?aid=749165

    good luck!Hair loss 6 months after pregnancy......?
    It is stress. Certainly. Vitamins, i suggest taking Iron to fortify your blood. But.. other than that - nothing.

    I suggest eating more protein though. It helps with Growth %26amp; Repair of the body.

    Good Luck,

    Memphis. =D
    Food that is rich in Iron will definitely help in curbing hair loss, so eat a nutritious diet. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.
    Nothing's going to help. You're just going back to normal.
    Start taking prenatal vitamins. That's what my doctor had prescribed.
    are u pulling your hair out? LOL*

    Hair loss due to pregnancy?

    i have always had really thick curly hair I'm only 23 years old and lost more than half my hair due to pregnancy's. when i got pregnant when i was 20 i was over seas in pakistan for the first 6 months of pregnancy with my husbands family and i thought i have lost alot of hair because of the water and shampoo is different but when i returned home it didn't grow back then almost straight after i gave birth i got pregnant again and i didn't lose anymore hair it grew a little bit but when i gave birth after 56 weeks my in-laws came to australia and i lost alot of hair again 1 year later it hasn't grown back im thinking it has to do with stress but i want my hair to grow back. Has anyone gone threw this? or know what i can use to make it grow back??? please helpHair loss due to pregnancy?
    Sorry you're going through this. One thing about the hair growth cycle is that it thrives on balance. The hair growth cycle does not like a lot of changes and disturbances. You've been going through a lot of changes. Six months in Pakistan, away from family, friends, unfamiliar environment, possible change in diet, etc, 2 back-to- back pregnancies, 2 babies to care for, inlaws to deal with etc. I hope your inlaws are not causing you stress.

    It is important to re-establish over-all balance and make sure you're getting adequate nutrition. Essential oil scalp massage formulas are a very effective hair loss remedy which works in harmony with the entire system, working to re-establish balance in other areas as well as stimulating new hair growth and restoring healthy hair. You will find a lot of interesting and helpful information on female hair loss at the site listed below.Hair loss due to pregnancy?
    i actually posted a similar questions a few weeks back. i too lost some hair, i even have a bald spot on my head, though its not visible, when i part my hair a certain way you can definitely see it since its round and totally bald. i immediately went to the doctors and was told i have alopecia areata. this is mainly caused by stress. i was out of the country that time and honestly was a bit stressed but nothing out of the ordinary. i haven't lost hair since, im hoping not to, and the doctors tell you not to stress more about it because if that is the reason, then we are not helping ourselves. use a mild shampoo if you can, and also see your doctor just to make sure you got everything covered.

    hello, its true to say that during pregnancy woman tends to loose her hair. i, myself, had pretty long knee length hair but now, i have shoulder length. during pregnancy, we, woman, need to take lots of iodine food, in fact we need to be very careful with what we eat. have you ever tried an herbal shampoo? get yourself some good rest and plenty of exercise. try to follow some yoga course. i am from a tropical island and our usual way to remedy from such problem is to massage some coconut oil into the scalp. it will take time but there will surely be some improvement. just give it a try and you are welcome for more details
    for some reason when im NOT preg i lose hair alot and after i had my 2 kids i lost hair for bout 3months on my first child and my 2nd child is 4months old and im still loosen hair. but wen i was preg my hair was so pretty and nice, i think its cuz of the stress we go threw ! that's wat hair salons tell me and my doc cuz i can clean my brush and then brush my hair and OMG its filled up w/ my hair. i can take a shower and have to clean the drain 2 times !! hairs every were i know what ur doing threw. i cant seem to do anything bout it the doc said. Just try to stay calm they said. so i hope things get better for you
    You need to talk to your doctor. Losing hair during pregnancy would be that you need something in your body that the child is taking. (I have no immunities when I am pregnant so I am always sick with colds during my pregnancy, I believe that my children were stealing them.)

    But this sounds different. This was after the baby and it seems to be when your in-laws are around. I would say that is stress and if your parent-in-laws are from pakistan, then you have more stress if you did not grow up there due to the culture.

    But if it is not growing back in the next few months and you in-laws are gone then you might want to check with a doctor about this.

    Hair loss problem during pregnancy....?

    should i get a short hair cut? would it helps?

    or anything i eat can make it better???

    after pregancy would my hair grow back???Hair loss problem during pregnancy....?
    Most women have thicker hair during pregnancy. It's postpartum that women lose hair. You don't lose enough to look funny, it just thins out. I lost quite a bit but have SUPER thick hair so I looked fine but I think mine was more from the Depo Provera. Just remember to TAKE YOUR VITAMINS! My hair and fingernails grew so nicely while I was taking them, it prevents some birth defects, and helps with your energy levels.Hair loss problem during pregnancy....?
    I had this. It took almost a year for the hair I lost to come back. It's from the different horomone level in your body and a haircut wouldn't stop it.

    I usually wear my hair in a pony tail straight back. With this pregnancy and my last I just part it at the side.

    I hope this doesn't happen to you, but I lost EVEN MORE hair after the baby came. Good luck, it's not a permanent problem.
    its called alopecia....my ex boyfriend got it and the doctors said it was more commen with pregnant women due to the nutrients being deprived from the body and going to the baby and all the hormones going on inside that normally aren't that high...they gave him shots in the parts that had no hair...it would come back white and then go to his normal hair color...however i was told that after pregnancy this should all go back to normal...i wouldn't cut your hair short because it would be more noticable...just try not to stress about it...
    Probably get a shorter do...it may grow back.
    Your hair loss is normal but once your conceive you can start taking vitamins and your hair will grow back and stop falling as much as it used to.
    Yeah your hair will improve after delivery. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo.Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

    Is hair loss and sore nipples a sign of pregnancy?

    Not hair loss. Sore nipples is common in men who jog/run.Is hair loss and sore nipples a sign of pregnancy?
    hair loss - no, usually your hair seems thicker during pregnancy because you don't tend to lose as much. Sore nipples, yes - also feeling queasy or bloated, being more tired than usual, moody...buy a home test!Is hair loss and sore nipples a sign of pregnancy?
    No, I suffer from both and don't think that I am pregnant. Of course I am a man.
    YUP!! Happened to me three times, my hair was falling out in dime size circles not all around, maybe like patches of bald spots in two or three different places, and my nipples hurt to the touch! They felt like a burning sensation even if my tee shirt rubbe against my bare nipples they felt like they were burning! Check with ur doctor!!

    Pregnancy and Hair Thinning / loss?

    is it normal for your hair to go dead thin and to be losing hair durning pregnancy ?

    not talking about clumps falling out or bald patchs (YET).... just noticeing lots comeing out !

    I know its common to get some hair loss after you've had the baby but im only 26wks preg and already noticeing it start !Pregnancy and Hair Thinning / loss?
    Hair loss that is connected to pregnancy usually occurs after delivery. During pregnancy, an increased number of hairs go into the resting phase, which is part of the normal hair loss cycle. This condition is not serious enough to cause bald spots or permanent hair loss, and should begin to diminish within 3-4 months after delivery. If you feel that you are experiencing unusual hair loss while you are pregnant, this may be due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency.

    check this site outPregnancy and Hair Thinning / loss?
    yes that happens to me too and i told me doctor and he sayd there is nothing that u can do about it it's due to the pregnancy and when u give birth ur hair will be back the same
    My Dr said it was normal for this to happen because of hormones and so forth. Mine was going thin and I was losing it now its all backand full like before. It just depends on the women also. since none of us are the same
    it is very normal it is your hormones as mine just keeps growing i,m guessing it will go bye bye when my son comes out
    I noticed tons of hair falling out at around my 9th week and thinning, I was pertrified that I was going to be bald by the time I gave birth by I am now 17 weeks and my hair has stopped falling out and looks healthier than it ever has.

    I guess I just started earlier than others lol
    I had terrible thinning and loss when i carried my 2nd child, i could run my hands through my hair and pull out handfulls. It's normal to experience such changes and while most of the stories focus on women ';glowing'; having great hair, skin and nails.......it's not always the case.
    I don't think that's very common, you should probably mention it to your doctor.
    My mom had this when she was pregnant with my older sister. I have not a had a problem with it, but my hair has been extremely dry for the last couple months.
    usually your hair gets thicker during pregnancy due to less hair falling out (thats why alot of women notice their hair falling out after they have had the baby) so this sounds strange, speak to your doctor/midwife you might have a vitamin deficiency or it might just be your hormones, have it checked anyway just incase
    ye its normal it happened to my cousin

    its to do with the hormone changes
    its totally normal .. i had that at 20 weeks im now 38 weeks and it has stopped but i know that once baby is born it will happen again :( my hair is in such bad condtion atm i have stop puttin products in it and stoped usin heat on it but yet still fell out ... so much for the ';pregnancy glow'; ur supposed to get lol
  • chin blackheads
  • Is hair loss a sign of pregnancy?

    Unfortunately, some women do lose some hair while pregnant. However, I'm sure this is not an early sign or a sure sign of pregnancy. Some women experience this, some have a ';Good Hair Day'; all through out pregnancy.

    Some early signs of Pregnancy include; but are not limited to-

    Absence of Period, Frequent urination, Breast swelling and tenderness, Fatigue and sleepiness, Heartburn-indigestion-flatulance-bloatinFood aversions or cravings, Nausea-with or without vomiting, Mood swings.

    Hope this helpsIs hair loss a sign of pregnancy?
    taking a pregnancy is the best resultIs hair loss a sign of pregnancy?
    Yes in some women. But it usually happens more after you give birth.
    Hair loss does occur during pregnancy, but is not a sign all by itself.
    If it is I've never heard of it. If you are having hair loss you might want to see a doctor other than the one treating you through your pregnancy. If this is you , and you are pregnant.
    Usually one holds onto their hair when pregnant and you usually have nice thick shiny hair the entire time you are pregnant, and your nails are long and stronger too.

    Is loss of hair because of pregnancy reversible?

    I lost a lot of hair during my first pregnancy which unfortunately ended in a miscarriage, but it did all grow back, it took a few months but it did come back, of course your going to have the weird stage if your hair is long like mine where you can clearly see a whole other head of hair growing in and your hair is way longer so it just looked funny, but now its better and I'm pregnant again - no hair loss this time - thank goodness!Is loss of hair because of pregnancy reversible?
    There are a lot of things that happen randomly during pregnancy that go back to normal afterwards. I'm getting this weird reaction to my wedding ring right now and my OB says it will probably clear up once my baby's born. I've actually heard of hair loss after pregnancy because a lot of women experience a lot of new hair growth during pregnancy and lose it afterwards. But you seem to be doing the opposite. Either way it's probably the hormones.Is loss of hair because of pregnancy reversible?
    Its common to seem to lose hair after having the baby. Your hair tends to shed less during pregnancy making it look as if you have lost or loosing hair when every thing is back to normal. If you are nursing you continue to shed more than normal. I lost all my edges while nursing. They grew back after I stopped nursing. And they grew even faster while pregnant with the next child. Your body loses some nutrients if you don't continue the prenatal vitamins.
    Unfortunately, I don't think so, from what I've seen in friends...

    Because even if it grew back, it was not the same...

    Personally, I haven't fallen victim of this cruel nature's trick played on moms to be, so my answer is totally indirect information based on a random number of friends.

    I may be completely wrong, and I certainly hope I am, btw, for all the women out there who suffered from this side effect.

    edit: lol when did you come up with a way to stay pregnant?! LOL
    Yes is it but will take some time but you must follow a good balanced diet. Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime juice on the hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens it. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

    My hair is horribly due to pregnancy!! From what I have read and asked It will last til you give birth :( I may be wrong though
    Your hair will go back to it's normal condition after you give birth. All of the hair that you lost should grow back.
    It will grow back eventually. It does take some time. I had this after my son was born. It took more than a year before it was back to normal.
    Hair loss during pregnancy is temporary.
    you think baldness is reversible?
    I don't understand the question?

    TMI: Pubic Hair Loss after Pregnancy Q?

    Bit of an embarrassing Q.

    My daughter is 11 and a half weeks old. And my body is pretty much back to normal, apart from my pubic hair is basically disappearing! It's not falling out in clumps, it just seems to vanish (guessing its falling out/getting washed away in the shower or something) My partner always liked the 'natural but tidy' look, and now I look like someones tried to wax me straight down the middle.

    I'm not loosing hair off of my head though, My leg hair has just stopped growing, or at least slowed down ALOT. It's been 8 days since I last shaved my legs, and not even a tiny bit of hair is back :/

    What on earth is going on?! :/TMI: Pubic Hair Loss after Pregnancy Q?
    Like someone else said, it is probably the change in hormones. However, I think you should probably make a call to your doctor's office and see what they say.

    Do you happen to have any family history of thyroid problems (hypothyroidism/ hyperthyroidism, etc)? If you do, you might want to have your thyroid checked. Hair loss is a symptom of both. Check out the links below to see if you have anymore symptoms of either:




    http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/hyper…TMI: Pubic Hair Loss after Pregnancy Q?
    its probably down to hormone changes, a lot of women after they have had a baby will notice hair loss, as ur hair thickens up so much during pregnancy...but i've never heard of this before, it might be because of hormones but there are other possibilities - like someone else mentioned, hyper/hypothyroidism has hair loss as one of its symptoms. Might be worth going to see your doctor (maybe a female doctor?) and seeing if she thinks there might be something wrong.
    Why didn't this happen to me? Dam if i left my legs for 8 days i'd have a mini forest!

    I'm sure its just your hormones, as long as none of the hair on your head's fallen out i'm sure it's okay %26amp; make the most of it!
    It could be because of the change in hormones, your body is trying to go back to normal. If you start losing hair else where, you can call your doctor.
    Shoot girl your lucky :)

    Hair loss and pregnancy/vitamins/shot?

    Is it pregnancy that causes hair to thicken and grow faster, or is it the vitamins?

    I had my baby 3 months ago and I am losing SO much hair. It is literally all over my house. I stopped taking the vitamins after I gave birth. I also got the shot at my 6 week post-partum visit, so maybe it is from that?

    The amount of hair that I am losing in the shower a DAY is the amount of hair that would be clogging the drain after a month (before I was preggo). How long does this typically last?Hair loss and pregnancy/vitamins/shot?
    When you're pregnant you don't lose the hair you normally would making it feel thicker. Once you have the baby the follicles release the hair it had been holding on to making it seem like all of your hair is falling out. It's normal and nothing to worry about. It can take up to a year to be normal depending on your hormones and if you're breastfeeding.Hair loss and pregnancy/vitamins/shot?
    I lost a lot of hair from 4 to 6 months postpartum. My hair got very thick (for me) during pregnancy, which I loved, because I have very thin, fine hair normally. So, for a couple of months my hair looked horrible. It's finally coming back to some semblence of normal in the last couple of months - one year post-partum. Hair loss can be normal a few months out postpartum. It also turned out my thyroid was off more than usual, too, thanks to postpartum, so my replacement was adjusted, which helped a bit, too.
    It's the pregnancy. Nearly everyone goes through it. I had hand fulls of hair come out but don't worry you won't go bald. The hormones from pregnancy retain most of the hair your would normally lose, after the hormones leave around 3 months the extra hair falls out.
    the hormones and vits caused the hair growth and now as your body levels back out you will begin to lose it and within a year should be back to normal. THOU you should still be taking the VITs if your breast feeding. and also to help you level out GL

    Hair loss and pregnancy?

    im 30 weeks and my hair is falling out sooooooo much!!! ): It started about a month ago , i thought it was the vitamins and switched but it didn't do much, altho it helped but not a signficant diff so i went back to the once i was on before... i asked my doc and she said its normal but i have soo much hair falling out i feel like i have no hair left..im gona cry soon cuz im becoming bold!!!! i know its supposed to fall out after pregnancy but not during it!!!!!!!!! has any1 else had this?Hair loss and pregnancy?
    Hair loss is very normal for some women while they are pregnant. It is just another side effect of our wacked out hormones. Some wome have full thick beautiful hair while pregnant other women lose alot and it's not fun. Your hair should go back to normal after the baby is born when you hormones level out again. They have really cute wigs and stuff at JCPenney and lots of other hair salons. It might be fun to check into something like that. Hang in there!Hair loss and pregnancy?
    yes this is perfectly normal i had the same thing going on with my pregnancy i thought i was going to be bald with how much hair was falling out. i brest fed my son for the first seven months so my hair continued to fall out during that time. It did slow down by the fourth month though and started to grow back. by my sons first birthday i was back to normal. congrats and best of luck to you
    I had a lot of hair fall out when i was pregnant with my son, but my hair grows so fast that after i had him it grew back in. Now i am pregnant with our second child and it seems that i am not losing hair but I am 25 and i am starting to out grey my grandma. I would keep talking to your doctor about your concerns on how much hair you are losing. And remember no matter how many physical problems that do end up happening the end result is always worth it.

    Hair loss after pregnancy,... two years on.?

    I had my son in January 2007 and as usual i lost clumps of hair after he was a few months due to my hormones returning to normal, however it is still practically half of what it used to be before i was pregnant. Everyone notices how thin my hair has become and my scalp is extremely visible under certain lights, it's very embarrassing. I'm turning 23 and I've been to a few doctors, all whom couldn't care any less if i was balding.

    Have any other mothers experienced this and will my hair eventually grow back or am i just beginning a path of even more hair loss?Hair loss after pregnancy,... two years on.?
    Hi. Hair loss from pregnancy should not last this long. It should have stopped by now ( and started to grow back ). My advice to you would be to go to the doctor ( a women doctor will be more sympathetic ), and get blood work done. I went through the same thing, only to find out that my Thyroid level was off ( a condition that often happens after childbirth ). It will cause your hair to fall out, and not grow back, unless you take medication to treat it. You could also be lacking in certain vitamins or minerals, or your pregnancy could have caused a hormone imbalance. All of these things can be tested by blood work. The quicker you find out the cause, and treat it, the better. I'm soooo sorry you have to go through this at 23. I know how upsetting it can be to lose your hair. Please go get the blood work done. Hopefully it will show what the problem is. Hang in there %26lt;%26lt;%26lt; Hugs %26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Hair loss after pregnancy,... two years on.?
    Your hair should have grown back by now - mine did.

    I experienced thinning and loss of hair on parts of my scalp which I put down to stress. My hair grew back but for 5 years the left side of my scalp did not grow. Last year I started taking a natural nutritional product for general wellbeing but to my surprise my hair grew back after just 1 month.

    Here's a website that uses only natural stuff to promote hair growth in men and women that works to help you grow and nourish new hair without side effects. www.ArrestBaldness.com
    If it hasn't grown back by now you need to consider that it may be from one of the following reasons:

    1. Female pattern baldness - believe it or not, most women affected by hair loss lose it for the same reasons as men. They suffer from androgenetic alopecia which is a reaction to male hormones in the body, specifically the conversion of testosterone into the hair-unfriendly DHT. In the case of women, pattern baldness may start later and the effects may be less extreme due to the influence of female hormones, but the condition is nonetheless the same as that found in male pattern baldness.

    2. Telogen effluvium - this is regarded as the second most common cause of women's hair loss and this is unsurprising given the nature of the condition. Telogen effluvium is characterized by a general thinning of the hair and is usually brought about as a result of some traumatic event causing sufficient stress to interfere with the normal hair growth cycle. Given that pregnancy is a prime example of the type of event that can shock the hair growth cycle then perhaps the high incidence of telogen effluvium amongst women is only to be expected.

    3. Alopecia areata - this is the third most common hair loss condition to affect women. It is characterized by patchy areas of hair loss on the head or it can be more widespread over the body. It is thought to be caused by deficiencies in the immune system but much is still not known about the condition. In many cases the hair regrows spontaneously after a variable period of time, but in a minority of cases the problem may be more severe and longstanding.
  • chin blackheads
  • Hair Loss after Pregnancy?

    Im so depressed, I had a baby almost 7 months ago and im losing hair like crazy! Is this normal? The top of my hair right above my forward is thinning!! It looks like I have a bald spot someone even mentioned it today. Has anyone else experienced this? Does it grow back and what can i do to help it grow faster! Im only 23 :(Hair Loss after Pregnancy?
    Yes this is normal but it is always a good idea to talk to your doctor if you think it is too much. Make sure you are eating right, getting plenty of water and rest. These things, as well as stress can effect your hair.Hair Loss after Pregnancy?
    HAD A BABY 6 and half months ago and I too am loosing a ton of hair. Its the hormones. You have to remember that when you were pregnant you hair grew long and lustrous. Thick and beautiful or atleast mine did. Then wam it was all over 4m after giving birth. I too am very thinned in the same area. I think a week or two ago I just started noticing new hair growing in and I can't tell you excited and relieved I am.

    SO as soon as your hormones level out and things start going back to normal you should experience re-hair growth. HUGs. If not check with you ob or doc and get your thyroid checked. Some women experience hypothyroidism after having a baby and just need a lil bit of med's to help get things back to normal.

    ps. to help hide it for now part your hair on the side that it looks thicker or get a hair cut to help make it less noticeable.
    I've heard that, during pregnancy, you don't lose as much hair as you would normally do. So, once you had the baby, it looks like you're losing more than normal but really you're not. I would assume that it would come back but if you're really concerned and it's too much you should check with your doctor to see if you're low on certain minerals or vitamins that help with hair growth. In the mean time, try your best not to stress as it would only add to the matter...I know easier said than done but try....Good luck!
    It's normal to lose hair after having a baby because while you're pregnant you don't shed hair that you normally would, making your hair look much fuller. Are you sure your hair wasn't like that before and you're just used to your pregnant head of hair? I can't think of anything to help other than using good shampoo and conditioner, don't dye it, don't straighten it, don't curl it, basically let it do its thing and see if it improves. Good luck! =]
    I also lost an unbelievable amount of hair, im 22 now, had my baby at 20...if you have a bald spot, you should see a doc since it may be alopecia, i have really bad thinning, but no bald spots, bald spots are a larger cause for worry. This is usually caused from stress and/or poor diet. Ask your doc asap. In the meantim, eat good, take a biotin supplement and try Mane n' Tail shampoo and conditioner.
    This is due to hormonal changes and is absolutely normal. Make certain that you are still taking a really good vitamin supplement with antioxidants, eat well, and get as much sleep as possible. This will help your body re-adjust.

    There is no point going to a doctor. They can't do anything about this because it is typical, and they can't fix typical.
    OMG i thought i was the only person in the world with this. After i ad my first son my hair feel out like crazy for a year (i know you don't want to hear it was a year) The dr. told me it could be from my birth control or my hormones. Go to the store an buy some prenatal vitamins it helped me, and i know this sounds kind of gross but only wash your hair 3 times a week.
    Its very normal. When you are pregnant you loose less hair then you normally would. After your baby is born all the hair that you would have lost during pregnancy is also shed. I know that it looks like really dramatic hair loss, but it should be back to normal by the time your baby is a year old.
    Yes this is normal. When you are pregnant your hair grows in thicker from the hormones and vitamins. After birth the hormone levels go down and your haur will fall out. It happened to me too. I had to un clog the shower drain because so much of it would fall out that it would clog it. It does go back to normal after a few months.
    I had the same thing happen. And the only time it grew back is when I got prego again but after that baby some of it stayed some didn't. I didn't think it was that bad until someone pointed it out to me I know how bad I felt I am sorry.
    For hair loss you can try this remedy. Mix 1 egg, 2.5 tablespoons milk powder and 1 tablespoon wheat germ oil. Massage on the scalp and leave it for 30 minutes. Wash with a mild shampoo.

    Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

    Omg i feel your pain! The same thing is happening to me and im only young too. I had my baby 4 months ago and find hair coming out ALOT quicker than ever before. Its crazy. I hope someone has an answer because I dont like it much either.
    i did not lose any hair during my entire pregnancy and lost hair hair like crazy after the delivery. it is very normal dont worry.
    if you got any medications while giving birth then that can cause hair loss up to one year and after that it should grow back in.

    Hair loss after pregnancy how long does it last and take to thicken back up?

    i had experienced telogen eflfuvium myself not related to pregnancy but my sister is experiencing this now, i didnt no what to tell her because mine lasted abotu 3 months and thickened back up competely within a year including the time it shed.

    is this the same with hair lsos after pregnancy? she has lovely long hair and shes so upset i feel sorry for her. is it better to get it cut shorter for a bit? how long does it usually last if you have expeirencd it? and how long did it take to thicken back up?

    thanks in advance, i just wanted some info, just your experience with itHair loss after pregnancy how long does it last and take to thicken back up?
    I lost a lot of hair starting around three months to about five months after giving birth. I started taking vitamins again, and my doctor increased my thyroid replacement because I was becoming more hypothyroid again (I was already so before pregnancy, but had to increase more postpartum.) That helped a lot. Now it's about 8 months since giving birth, and my hair seems to be growing back in again. I have always had thin, fine hair, though. At least not so much is falling out anymore that it's clogging up drains when I take a shower. Hair loss after pregnancy how long does it last and take to thicken back up?
    I haven't been pregnant but I did have a period where I lost clumps of hair every day and it thinned a lot! I used nioxine shampoo which may or may not have helped but then I also quit my super stressful job! Hair stopped falling out. I heard taking prenatal vitamins (a food based one) would help as well as omega 3's. Hope this helped.
    For the first three months of my pregnancy my hair was falling out alot. nothing too noticable but it got alot thinner. It did eventually stop and now is growing back thicker- it is however a little bit darker (i have blonde hair).
    I'm sure for most women, hair will go back to normal within a year of giving birth. My mother's however, never went back to normal. Ever since she had me, her hair is really thin and and falls out easily. And this was 21 years ago.

    You will get over it soon. Daily application of refined coconut oil, mixed with lime juice on the hair, prevents hair loss and lengthens it. Check out http://usefulinfo-hairloss.blogspot.com/ for more info.

    HELP! Hair loss after pregnancy?

    Any advice? My wife is driving herself nuts (and me in that process). She is losing plenty of hair and ';balding'; at the temples...will her hair re-grow eventually? Any of you ladies out there that had this issue? She is 4 months postpartum. Thanks...HELP! Hair loss after pregnancy?
    It is normal to grow a lot of extra hair during pregnancy, so her body is probably just temporarily overcompensating. It should grow back, but if not in the next few months definitely mention it to a doctor.HELP! Hair loss after pregnancy?
    year ago I suffered very much from dandruff and hair loss too and I started trying everything you can imagine to stop my hair loss.

    the things that really worked for me was:

    1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

    2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

    3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

    4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice(you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

    5) also he used herbal treatment - TrichoZed and Provilluss (do not use Rogaine - it will not work!)

    Those are a good products that helps prevent hair loss and contains Biotin and the clinically tested ingredients approved by the FDA to help re-grow your hair.! I think it is very important!

    It worked and still works for me!

    I do not know if any pharmacies carry TrichoZed but I do know that you should purchase it directly from the manufacturer and read more about the product here


    (TrichoZed鈩?will produce noticeable hair growth in 30 to 45 days. A consistent use of TrichoZed鈩?ensures permanent results within 6 months. Further use shall maintain optimal health of your hair.)

    and here


    (Provillus鈩?will produce noticeable hair growth in 40. A consistent use of TrichoZed鈩?ensures permanent results within ~5 months.)

    It enhances hair growth by blocking DHT (Dihydrotestostrone) - a major cause of hair loss!

    Also Informative video about Provillus - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0ydvCHhbR

    good luck!

    not only my own personal experience + working as a family physician


    Anyway as we know - hair loss can be caused by many different reasons! Find out the actual cause of hair loss! There are many causes of loss of hair such as stress, poor nutrition ,medications, thyroid dysfunctions, illness, fungal infections ,hormonal problems, to mention a few.

    year ago my father and I suffered very much from dandruff and hair loss too and he started trying everything you can imagine to stop his hair loss. the things that really worked for him was:

    1) Vitamin A - an anti-oxidant which promotes healthy production of sebum in the scalp;

    2) Vitamin E stimulates circulation. Good blood circulation in the scalp is important in keeping hair follicles productive. The 'B' vitamins contribute to melanin, which gives hair its healthy color and also stimulates blood circulation;

    3) massage is also beneficial. Massage stimulates circulation. As already noted, good circulation in the scalp keeps hair follicles active. Experts suggest a few minutes of daily head massage by hand. Circulation through massage may be improved by using a few drops of lavender or bay essential oil in an almond or sesame oil base with massage;

    4) Try rubbing your scalp with garlic juice, Onion Juice or Ginger Juice (you can either of one out of three, Do not mix any of two or three);

    5) [Work with me] It works like a supplement working from inside with vitamins and herbs etc. I even had hair loss for a stress, and use the Hair Genesis (I bought from this store %26gt; http://rds.yahoo.com/**http%3a//bit.ly/1 ), and my hair returned to normal shortly.
    Tell her to stop stressing! Eat healthy and take hair vitamines.

    Also excersise and applying coconut oil to ur scalp may help. Also keep hydrated!!! I've seen family members losing hair and I personally thin its from stress/aging/genetics. Nothing to do with pergnancy.!
    my mom used to have thick hair she

    says i stole it cuz now i have thick hair and her hair it

    not so thick anymoree

    i pretty shure it will grow back but not a hundred percent shure
    lmao, youre married to a cancer patient without cancer, sucks for you dude.
    she should get it grown back. she will jsut be streesed - most likely

    Is hair loss normal during pregnancy?

    yes this is normal. some women have longer thicker hair when pregnant. and there are those less fortunate ones who lose hair when they are pregnant. even with women that do grow longer thicker hair they soon find out after birth that this doesnt last long. it falls out postpartumIs hair loss normal during pregnancy?
    I'm not sure if it is ';during'; pregnancy, but I lost a lot of hair once my son was born in 2006 and I just had it happen again after the loss of an ectopic pregnancy. Have you checked Google?Is hair loss normal during pregnancy?
    Oh yes, there are some hair losses throughout the entire pregnancy...and even after! It's scary...but make sure to take your prenatal vitamins everyday.
    It's normal during pregnancy and you will lose a lot more after, so be prepared. It's all a part of the hormone craziness. Best wishes!
    i did not loose hair horribly, maybe shed alittle more... and my upper lip hair doesnt grow so much!! which i like... but yea i have heard its very normal...
    Yes, many women experience this. All the crazy hormones in your body can cause it. Don't worry too much about it.

    Is hair-loss during pregnancy normal?

    Hair loss is very common after the delivery but not during pregnancy. Many women notice increased shedding from about 3 to 6 months after delivery, which is simply a sign of the body adjusting as hormone levels return to normal

    There is one reason you might have brittle hair during pregnancy that falls out easily - iron deficiency. So if you are losing hair now, I would get that checked out.Is hair-loss during pregnancy normal?
    I know it's normal to get a lot more hair when pregnant...I'm not sure about losing it. But, I do know that after you have the baby you loose a lot of the hair that you got during pregnancy.Is hair-loss during pregnancy normal?
    It can be, I have heard of it happening due to hormones.
    sorry to say but yes... so is hair color change it get darker!

    all due to hormones changes your body is going through.
    Seems like I lost some hair in early pregnancy, but later it got thick. It was the best my hair looked in awhile. Those prenatal vitamins really work on hair and nails. But after the baby was born I started shedding worse than a house cat on a new couch. It came out by the handfuls.
    yeh sure it is but use this for tips on f hair loss:

    read this:


    Does your hair fall a lot? Don't worry, you're not alone. Millions of people from all around the world suffer from dry, brittle and weak hair. Some of the possible reasons for falling hair are:


    Too much work


    Poor diet

    Over-exposure to the sun


    Amateur bleaching

    Too frequent and inexpert use of tints, rinses or other colourants

    Here is what you can do to prevent hair fall

    Shampoo regularly. Remember, a CLEAN scalp is a HEALTHY SCALP.

    Brahmi amla oil also promotes hair growth.

    A high protein diet with plenty of fruits, green vegetables and dairy products is a must.

    Drink 10-12 glass of water everyday.

    Use a very mild shampoo and condition your hair at least twice a week. When you do, make sure you rinse out the conditioner thoroughly, otherwise residue build-up will cause your hair to look limp and dull.

    Know your vitamins! IRON is important for healthy hair and brittle, limp hair indicates an iron deficiency. Spinach has a good iron content, so gulp it down!

    ZINC helps prevent hair loss and greying. Eat adequate zinc rich foods. Overweight people tend to have zinc deficiency, which is inversely related to the body mass index. Thus if you are overweight and if your hair falls too much, you may want to increase your intake of zinc containing foods. Recipes containing stone ground, wholegrain flour are rich in zinc.

    A shortfall in VITAMIN B may cause dandruff, falling hair, loss of colour and could encourage grey hair. So B group Vitamins are essential for gloss, colour and thickness.

    VITAMIN C ensures the health of capillaries supplying blood to hair follicles. Make sure your diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and veggies.

    VITAMIN E encourages hair growth. Switch from refined flours to wholemeal and wheatgerm, eggs, vegetable oil.

    COPPER stops hair from falling. Studies show that the copper content in the blood serum of people with falling hair is less than normal. Different types of alopecia (falling hair) are seen to have a deficiency of this important trace element. Include small quantities of nuts, especially cashews and peanuts, seeds, whole milk and beans in your diet as these contain minute but important amounts of copper.

    Homemade remedies for preventing hair fall:

    Apply almond oil on scalp and massage.

    Grind fenugreek seeds in water and apply on your scalp. Wash off after 40 minutes. Do this every morning for a month 隆V if it suits you! Remember, different treatments suit different types of hair.

    Massage warm castor oil + almond oil into your scalp gently. Wrap a hot towel around your scalp so it gets absorbed into the hair. Do this twice a week for healthy, shiny hair.

    Add 2-3 drops of honey to a glass of water and use this as the last rinse after shampooing.

    Quick Hair Care Conditioner

    Mix 1 egg, 2 tbs castor oil, 1 tsp vinegar and 1 tsp glycerine. Beat until frothy and massage lightly into your scalp. Wrap your head in a hot towel, steam, then wash off. This conditioner makes hair thicker, shiny, soft and manageable.

    Honey Conditioner

    Beat 1-2 eggs (depending on the length of the hair), 1 tsp honey and 2 tsp olive oil. Massage gently into the scalp. Steam, and shampoo after an hour.

    Alcohol Conditioner

    Beat 1-2 eggs with 2 tsp brandy. Massage into your scalp. Leave for 10-15 mins. Rinse well. The egg nourishes your hair and brandy stimulates hair growth.

    Your hair is a vital beauty asset, requiring constant loving care. And with a little nurturing, lush, glossy hair will be yours


    Does your hair fall often Arm yourself with these tools to combat hair fall.

    Wide-toothed comb

    Get yourself a wide-toothed comb. This is probably one of the most important yet underutilized of all hair tools. A wide-toothed comb helps you distribute conditioner evenly all over your hair while shampooing and conditioning. In addition, it also helps get rid of knots smoothly.

    The best time to get rid of knots is during conditioning. Apply conditioner and run a wide toothed comb gently through your hair.

    While untangling dry hair, do so in sections. Take one section at a time, and first, untangle the ends of your hair. Do so slowly, and don?t pull unless you want your hair to fall out in clumps or break.

    Don?t wait for the last minute before detangling your hair. Every night, while sitting in front of the television, run a wide toothed comb gently through your hair, until you have untangled it completely. Do this every night, and you will notice that your hair remains free from tangles.

    Leave-in conditioner

    Dry hair tends to tangle easily, and, needless to say, causes it to break. Make sure your hair is never devoid of moisture by always keeping a bottle of leave-in conditioner handy. The next time you feel your hair is dry and rough to the touch, simply rub a dollop of leave-in conditioner between your palms, and apply it to your hair. Comb through with your wide toothed comb. Your hair will be instantly rejuvenated and moisturized. Gradually, the texture will also improve. This is a must if you blow dry your hair regularly, or if it is chemically treated. Such hair constantly craves moisture, so get yourself a bottle of leave-in conditioner.


    Olive, almond and coconut oils are all excellent for the hair. While you could apply oil as an alternative to leave-in conditioner, oil tends to make your hair sticky, and you cannot style your hair well after applying oil. Your only alternative would then be to tie up your hair. For better results with oil, apply just a few drops immediately after washing your hair, when your hair is still dripping wet. Oil doesn?t penetrate the strands as easily as leave-in conditioner does though. Nothing beats a hot oil massage followed by a steam treatment, as the steam helps the oil penetrate the hair strands, strengthening them and curtailing hair fall.


    Egg is great for the hair ? there are no two ways about it! True, it causes a tremendous stink in the bathroom, and your hair may let off an ?eggy? smell, but the results are instantaneous and worth it! Egg strengthens your hair almost immediately, and the egg yolk leaves your hair shining. Whip an egg with two tablespoons of olive oil and apply it to your hair. Wash off after half an hour. Make sure you wash off with cold water though, or the egg will start cooking in your hair, and would be harder to take off! Use a scented shampoo to counter the smell of egg in your hair, and follow up with a leave-in conditioner. Do this for a month, and you will be amazed by the change in your hair texture and the reduction in hair fall.
    I asked my doctor about this the other day, and apparently it's not all that uncommon. He said that it has something to do with your hairs going into a ';resting phase'; during the pregnancy because of all the hormones. Also he told me that it can be due to a vitamin or mineral deficiency so take your prenatals!! And supposedly after pregnancy it's normal to lose a lot of hair too because of all the hormones :leaving: your body. We just can't win!!
    Pregnancy changes your entire body, and your hair is no exception. Many women experience luxuriant growth and increased thickness, while others find that their once lively locks have become dull or limp.

    Since hair is one of the first indicators of good health, women suffering from severe morning sickness or poor eating habits should look to their hair for warning signs that they鈥檙e not getting enough nutrients, especially iron. Even a small iron deficiency can lead to dry, brittle hair that鈥檚 lighter than your natural color and falls out easily. If you notice any alarming changes in your hair, be sure to tell your doctor.

    Post-pregnancy Fallout

    After the baby comes, don鈥檛 be surprised if all that beautiful new growth begins to fall out. Many women notice increased shedding from about 3 to 6 months after delivery, which is simply a sign of the body adjusting as hormone levels return to normal. It may take a couple of hair growth cycles (up to several years) before your texture completely returns to normal, especially if you wear your hair long.

    Remember that everyone鈥檚 body and hair reacts differently to pregnancy. Have fun with the changes and remember, they鈥檙e only temporary.