Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hair loss and pregnancy?

im 30 weeks and my hair is falling out sooooooo much!!! ): It started about a month ago , i thought it was the vitamins and switched but it didn't do much, altho it helped but not a signficant diff so i went back to the once i was on before... i asked my doc and she said its normal but i have soo much hair falling out i feel like i have no hair left..im gona cry soon cuz im becoming bold!!!! i know its supposed to fall out after pregnancy but not during it!!!!!!!!! has any1 else had this?Hair loss and pregnancy?
Hair loss is very normal for some women while they are pregnant. It is just another side effect of our wacked out hormones. Some wome have full thick beautiful hair while pregnant other women lose alot and it's not fun. Your hair should go back to normal after the baby is born when you hormones level out again. They have really cute wigs and stuff at JCPenney and lots of other hair salons. It might be fun to check into something like that. Hang in there!Hair loss and pregnancy?
yes this is perfectly normal i had the same thing going on with my pregnancy i thought i was going to be bald with how much hair was falling out. i brest fed my son for the first seven months so my hair continued to fall out during that time. It did slow down by the fourth month though and started to grow back. by my sons first birthday i was back to normal. congrats and best of luck to you
I had a lot of hair fall out when i was pregnant with my son, but my hair grows so fast that after i had him it grew back in. Now i am pregnant with our second child and it seems that i am not losing hair but I am 25 and i am starting to out grey my grandma. I would keep talking to your doctor about your concerns on how much hair you are losing. And remember no matter how many physical problems that do end up happening the end result is always worth it.

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