Sunday, February 12, 2012

Is it normal to have hair loss during pregnancy?

very. in the beginning of this pregnancy i started loosing so much hair. i continued to take my prenatals and my hair is super thick. i think its just the hormone changes. when i was pregnant with my 1st i had so much hair on my head but once she was born i thaught i was going to be bald. keep taking your prenatals :o)Is it normal to have hair loss during pregnancy?

As women age, after childbirth and especially around the menopause, their bodies go through many subtle changes. Thinning hair is often one of them.

In the meantime, there are few things you can do to help slow things down.

First of all check your shampoo ingredients. Does it include: Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (SLS)? It's in most and it may not be helping you. If so, find something that's more gentle. Perhaps a baby shampoo or an organic shampoo.

Also try to eat healthily (avoid those fast food restaurants like the plague!) and take a good hair treatment supplement (though not whilst your pregnant or breast feeding). Head massages can stimulate blood to the hair roots and help hair growth and of course they're a simply wonderful relaxation technique. Rope in your man to pamper you each evening!

Lastly don't panic. Stress doesn't help and remember that we all lose between 50-100 strands of hair each day.Is it normal to have hair loss during pregnancy?
Yes it is...your body goes through all kinds of changes, its sort of ironic that you lose hair sometimes and grow excessive hair other places..anyway, yes its ok, but see someone if it gets to be a gross amount in case something else is going on..good luck
o yeah! just deep condition it. my hair is still falling out and my daughter is a year old. just take ur prenatals and get lots of calcium. o and jello also helps the hair and nails! :)
i dont know but im on the same boat as you are. Even the texture of my hair has changed.
yes! it is!

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