Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hair loss after pregnancy?

I had my son in May, and i have noticed that when i wash my hair i get a handful of hair. Then if i comb it, i lose more. What is out there that i could use to slow the hair loss? My hair is thinning and it used to be thick. Some people has said to use hair food(african americans use this), but is it ok on my hair since i am not african american? Or what can i use?Hair loss after pregnancy?
When you are pregnant your hair grows differently... usually you lose a little everyday... and while some of your hair is growing... some is dormant. During pregnancy due to hormones, you don't lose hardly any hair and it all grows at once, resulting in thicker seemingly faster growing hair. Once you give birth and your hormones go back to normal (although breastfeeding can delay this) you will start to lose all that excess hair at once... the same goes for any unwanted body or facial hair that appeared during your pregnancy. So your not really losing hair in the sense that it is going to get any thinner than it was before you were pregnant... it just feels that way because you got used to the thicker hair gradually and now your losing it rapidly.Hair loss after pregnancy?
eventually you'll get ur hair back. It may not be thicker as before but there's really nothing you can do to stop hair loss. U can ask a dermatologist though
during pregnancy your hair pretty much gets really thick so after it goes back to the way it was which results in hair loss
I was the same. My daughter is now 15months and my hair is growing back. i have lots of short little 'baby' hairs growing back. If you are breast feeding and keep breast feeding you will find your hair keeps falling out, you wont go bald though! its just that your body is using nutients for other things and see's your hair as last on the list of important things. although its not to us!!!

hang in there - its only hair!!
all your hormones are going crazy now. you're withdrawing from the pregnancy hormones and it happens to most women. don't worry. it'll grow back.
Hi I had the same thing after my daughter was born. It turned out that I had a severe case of hypothyroidism. Have your tyroid checked
You can try taking zinc. Which can slow down the hair loss or use a product called Nioxon.

Hair loss after pregnancy is very normal. I should start growing back as thick as ever. Just give it time. It happened to my first pregnancy and again after my second. Only the second one was twins and I lost more hair than the first time.... I wore a wig for awhile!
I am sure it has something to do with hormone changes. I lost a ton of my hair after the births of all three of my sons. I use Mane n Tail shampoo and conditioner. It helps my hair out a lot.
I think you can use hair food without any side effects, hair loss is normal after pregnancy because your hormones don't allow you to loose much hair when you are pregnant. Eat good and avoid stress..easier said than done... but God Bless.
My hair fell out after every pregnancy its quite common, it isnt as thick as it was but does eventually stop.

A hairdresser once told me that you loose hair at the start of every new season also. Another sign of hair falling out is you could be low in iron.

Good Luck

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